Thursday, November 27, 2014

Tips for Introductions -- part 2

Part 2

 Always be aware that your face and body provide messages as “ communication tells”, which are signs of a first impression- in that you are sending off messages you are not even aware of, such as  these following body language signposts:

a)     Legs crossed when standing usually signifies that you are insecure. Be aware of what your feet are doing and what the other person’s feet are doing. The fact that your feet  are not in position in front of you usually means that you do not want to communicate with them.
b)     Watch that your arms are not crossed-  this indicates a closed position.

They say image is everything so here are a few other things to consider  in creating a professional appearance for such an introduction.:

·       For women, a hairstyle short and cropped ,or hair pinned up implies  efficiency. A hairstyle loose, long and  free reflects a free spirit and   a more open -ended person and therefore not suitable for a conservative organization.  So wear your hair back or up for this occasion, especially if you are meeting a conservative person at an organization with a  very formal work culture.  
·        As  for men -men’s oxford shoes are more professional.  Wear higher- end shoes than you would wear in the course of a work day.
·       Watch out for  any clothing odour.  Make sure if you eat in a restaurant, or at a place you were prior to the introduction that no odour clings to your clothes. Also, ensure the seat of your car does not leave a lingering smell on your clothes You can use Freebreeze to eliminate odours on fabric. Watch  out for lingering smoke odour from cigarettes as well.
·       Be careful re: the state of your hands- make sure they are manicured and moisturized.  They, like your teeth, tell a story about you.
·       Watch out for sweaty palms. Keep a kleenex in your pocket to wipe your hands before meeting people ,or dust your palm lightly with odourless  talcum powder  prior to the official introduction.

·       Choose the style of the specific industry re: what people wear in that field. For example,   banking/ finance  requires a  classic dark blue business or black suit, while  the apparel  for advertising or creative artist would be more casual.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Tips for making a positive first impression for introductions and meetings/interviews

Here are some tips for making a positive first impression for introductions and meetings/interviews

a.      Clothing-wear the high -end clothing from your wardrobe. Prior to the important introduction, try the outfit on first and wear it front of a full-length mirror… Practice sitting down and shaking hands as well in front of this mirror to see how your clothing presents itself.   Also, men and women, bring a stain away pen for emergencies to remove stains and spills on your clothing, just in case something happens before you meet this person(s).
b.     Smile, but not excessively during your introduction.  Before the introduction,  please check a pocket mirror or car mirror to see that nothing is between your teeth , and  that there are not any pen marks, dust particles, etc.. are on your face, either.
c.      Eye contact- Try to not to stare intensely( eyeball- to- eyeball—maintain very direct eye contact long enough to note their eye colour), but focus on the space between the eye brows. Shift your gaze  to  the person’s eyebrows  after a few seconds  so they know they have your interest. But do not lose their attention by having your eyes wonder during the introduction.
d.     Body scents-  Both men and women  should not  wear  any scented deodorant,  cologne or perfume as a lot of people have allergies/ chemical intolerance these days.
e.      Breath-  Always carry and use breath mints or breath spray.  Don’t use gum to freshen your breath as you may forget you have it in your mouth.
f.      Tone of voice- watch that your voice is even toned- not harsh or anxious Try to avoid having any dairy products before such an introduction as they tend to create more mucus and congestion, and you may end up coughing, or sounding raspy or harsh.  If you are thirsty, drink water for hydration. .
g.     Posture- don’t hunch over or slouch.  Your posture gives away your attitude and confidence level.. Remember that your stance portrays how you feel about yourself.
h.     Content of introduction- try to be articulate and not ramble on.  Say what you have to in a concise manner. 
i.       Listening.- shut off your own  noisy thoughts in your mind and focus on their words - not yours.
j.       Teeth- Before this  introduction, try to use Crest White strips to remove coffee, tea, smoking stains and to whiten  . Brush your teeth first and your tongue to cut down on  any mouth/breath odour as well before you go out to any such event.
k.      Earrings- women, try to be careful about what earrings you wear.. No large clunky, overly large or hooped earrings, please
l.       Shoes- they have to be well-polished wear  shoes that are in pristine condition. Don’t wear worn -down heels.. No excessive ornaments e.g. large buckles, on your shoes either- this includes men’s shoes as well. Avoid wearing shoes with clunky heels or platform shoes.  Women, please don’t wear open-toed shoes, sandals or excessively high- heeled shoes. Ladies, avoid wearing flat shoes as well because they may look too much like slippers.
m.   No heavy jewelry e.g. bracelets..  This goes for both men and women Wear minimal jewelry only.  This is not the time to show off your “bling”. “ Less is more”.  Watch out for ostentatious rings ( this applies to men too) . The  principle of” Less is More”  applies to make up as well.  Use only subdued colours for eye shadow, rouge, lipstick/gloss and nail polish.

n.      Men and women, please hide your tattoos.